BSol ICS Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training
This site gives additional information about the training being rolled out across Birmingham and Solihull for Learning Disability and Autism.
Click below to move directy to required booking links.
Part 1
To complete The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training in Learning Disabilities and Autism, all staff in a CQC registered organisation must complete Part 1 (The e-Learning) followed by Part 2 (as per the requirements of their job role)
The e-Learning
Part 1 of the Oliver McGowan mandatory training on learning disability and autism is mandatory for ALL NHS and social care staff.
ALL colleagues, including those in non-clinical/non-patient/public facing roles, are required to complete the e-learning module.
After completing Part 1, colleagues should follow the links below to determine which elements of Part 2 they should complete, based on the requirements of their job role.
Part 2
Part 2 of the training is also for ALL employees, however, it is divided into Tier 1 (one-hour online learning) or Tier 2 (one day’s face to face training).
We have completely filled the OMMT dates and sessions for March. As a result, we have closed all booking links and forms on our website until further notice.
New dates and venues will be published late April onwards and made available to BSol NHS Trusts and Primary Care Providers via your employers communications.
For all enquiries relating to the purchasing and invoicing of our services for April 25 onwards please get in touch via the following email address: zelda@bsol-ics.net
Tier 1
Tier 1 (60 minute online interactive session) is for those who require general awareness of the support autistic people or those with a learning disability may need. e.g. non patient-facing colleagues.
Tier 2
Tier 2 (one day’s face to face training) - part of mandatory learning requirements for those who need to provide care and support for autistic people or those with a learning disability e.g. clinicians / professionals / citizen & patient-facing colleagues. Venues and times are on the booking form.

So far we have been making training available across the Birmingham and Solihull to all prioviders of Health and Social Care across the system. The uptake has been great and we continue to ramp up capacity to make the training available to those who need it.
The training is split into two Tiers, with Tier 1 being delivered virtually via MS Teams and Tier 2 being delivered face to face in locations across Birmingham and Solihull. Take a look at our numbers so far...
Attendees to Tier 1 Virtual Training
Attendees to Tier 2 F2F Traning

The Director
Zelda Peters

The Oracle - PLMCS Ltd.
Paddie Murphy

The Collaborator - KeyOpps Ltd.
Alex Mathews

The Organiser
Martin Dougan

The Team Builder
Sandra Thompson-Smith

The Training Expert
Ted Page

The Accessibility Guru
Ashleigh Jones
Want to know more?
Visit the NHS England website for more information about Oliver's story
NHS England website